All about Blue Light: The Silent Threat to Your Eyes & How to Protect against it

 In Lens Technology

In today’s digital age, most of us spend a significant portion of our day staring at screens. From desktops to tablets and mobile phones, we are all constantly exposed to harmful blue light. As a result, the use of blue light filtering ophthalmic lenses has become increasingly important in protecting our eyes from the harmful effects of blue light.

What is Blue Light and Why is it Harmful?

Blue light is a type of visible light that has a wavelength range of 400 to 500 nanometers (nm). This type of light is emitted by the sun, fluorescent and LED lights, as well as digital devices. While blue light is essential for regulating our circadian rhythm, excessive exposure can lead to eye strain, headaches, and disrupt sleep patterns.

Moreover, studies have shown that prolonged exposure to blue light can also lead to digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome, which includes symptoms like dry eyes, blurry vision, and eye fatigue. Additionally, some studies have suggested that excessive blue light exposure can increase the risk of macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss in adults.

Blue Light Exposure in Adults and Children

While excessive blue light exposure is harmful to adults, it can be particularly harmful to children. Children’s eyes are still developing and are more sensitive to the effects of blue light. Furthermore, children tend to have a longer lifespan of blue light exposure due to their increasing use of digital devices for learning and entertainment.

A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics found that children who use digital devices for more than two hours a day have a higher risk of developing symptoms associated with digital eye strain, including dry eyes, headaches, and blurred vision. Additionally, the same study found that children who used digital devices before bedtime had a lower quality of sleep compared to those who did not use devices before bed.

Blue Light Blocker Technology in Eyeglass Lenses

To combat the harmful effects of blue light, ophthalmic lens manufacturers have developed blue light blocker technology. These lenses are designed to filter and block out harmful blue light while still allowing beneficial blue light to pass through.

Blue light blocking lenses work by using a special coating that blocks high-energy visible (HEV) blue light. This coating is applied to both the front and back surfaces of the lens and can block up to 99% of blue light in the 400 to 500 nm range.

Moreover, blue light blocking lenses are also effective at blocking ultraviolet (UV) light. UV light is a type of radiation that is also harmful to the eyes and can lead to cataracts and other vision problems. Blue light blocking lenses can block both UV and blue light, providing comprehensive protection for the eyes.

At Lens Shapers, we offer many different options when it comes to blue light protection, such as BlueShield lenses that come with built-in blue light protection in the lens material, or as BlueFilter AR EC coating option that can be added to almost any lens type.


Excessive blue light exposure can be harmful to our eyes, causing digital eye strain, disrupting sleep patterns, and increasing the risk of macular degeneration. Children, in particular, are at risk due to their increased use of digital devices for learning and entertainment.

Fortunately, blue light blocking ophthalmic lenses have been developed to filter and block out harmful blue light, while still allowing beneficial blue light to pass through. By wearing these lenses, we can protect our eyes from the harmful effects of blue light and maintain good eye health.


Stringham, J. M., & Stringham, N. T. (2018). Visual performance and fatigue in a simulated night-driving task after blue light filtering lenses. Applied Ergonomics, 68, 87-94.

Stringham, J. M., & Hammond, B. R. (2017). The glare protection provided by different types of sunglasses during driving. Optometry and Vision Science, 94(3), 318-325.

Weng, J., Yang, S., Chen, H., Wu,

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